Shimi Goostar Nanomad
Translation types Text translation Source text 1501 / 5000 Translation results NanoMad Company was established in 2014 with the aim of operating in the field of nanotechnology. The core of the company consists of university faculty members with the degree of associate professor and assistant professor. Utilizing the scientific and technical capabilities of the company's scientific staff as well as collaborating with capable academic researchers, the company has been able to produce many nanoparticles and nanocomposites, quantum dots and metal clusters with excellent quality in only a limited number of companies. Are successfully supplied to produce and produce many other nanoparticles that are still of interest to researchers. A number of nanocomposites are introduced and offered for the first time in this company. The first product of NanoMad company is nano silver colloid. The company has obtained nanoscale approval for the nano-silver colloidal product from the Special Headquarters for Nanotechnology. The method of synthesis of nano-silver colloids is such that it allows the manufacturer to easily produce nano-silver colloids in various concentrations. The production process is completely controlled and during the production process, the quality of the product is examined and evaluated. In the development and research department of NanoMad company, new advanced nanoparticles have been produced, which with the entry of these nanoparticles into the market, the side effects of previous nanoparticles such as environmental and biological pollution are eliminated. An example of these advanced nanoparticles is Ag-Fe bipolar nanoparticles. This nanoparticle retains both its antibacterial and antifungal properties and its easy isolation from the environment due to its magnetic properties. On the other hand, it prevents the release of silver ions, which in high concentrations causes DNA damage More about this source text Source text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels
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